
Showing posts with label thrifty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thrifty. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Meal Plan monday ... a bit late

Wow things have really gotten away from me this week... I had originally planned on doing this post on monday and kicking off my 1st themed post. But between work,  researching how to register a non-profit organisation, and prepping for some guests we are expecting on friday at our Islamic center.... It's just been craaaaaazzzzyyyyyy
Alright so let's get this rolling shall we.

I thought I would share some of my tricks to save money on groceries.
I've managed to lower my grocery bill from over 100$ to an average of 60$ a week for 3 adults.
Now granted I do cook over 80% of our food from scratch.

My tricks are probably well know and pretty simple...
So trick #1:
I do my grocery list based solely on what's on sale in the store flyers. I do actually go to several stores since I live in a small town and they are all close together.
Now when drawing up my list I write the prices next to the items that way if it's cheaper in another store but wasn't announced in the flyer I will simply pick it up.

If something comes on sale super cheap, I buy several. This will last me a long while and the item will likely come back on sale before I use up what I have at home.

I buy frozen veggies when they are on sale, they keep longer than fresh and have more vitamins than canned...

Trick #2 : I make a meal plan for the whole week using what I already have in the house. I put priority on the stuff that needs to be used 1st or is left from the previous shopping day.

Trick #3: Make enough at every meal for there to be leftovers for lunch. I don't have time to cook much so I rely on left overs for lunch the next day. I also try not too make too much that way nothing gets thrown away.

Trick #4: Use recipes that make a little go a long way. I do cook ALOT of morrocan dishes and serve them as I've seen them served in morroco. i.e. everyone sitting around the same dish.
Eating this way actually prevents everyone from overeating (or Everyone is satisfied at the end of the meal. There are very few leftovers... so less waste.

Eating this way I 've seen 6 people eat 2 chicken legs, 3 potatoes and 3 carrotts and everyone was full...Also you can have last minute dinner guests whitout worrying if there is enough for 1 or 2 people more than planned.

So here is my meal plan for the week:
Please note I only plan 1 major meal since my husband usually takes the leftovers along as his lunch for work the next day.

(I had too much leftovers from the weekend , so I made a meal of it...)

Macaroni and cheese
(the home made kind, not the in a box bright orange one...)

Roasted Chicken with carrots, turnips ,parsnips and olives

Red cabbage and beet soup
boiled eggs
Fried cauliflower

Morrocan style couscous

vegetarian cabage rolls

Beans and franks
ployes (traditional buckwheat crepe)

So there is my meal plan for this week.
I will try to post most of the recipes over the weekend inshallah.

If anyone is wondering why I don't make plans for breakfast, it's because I usually prepare most breakfast foods (i.e breads, pastries) ahead of time in large quantities and freeze them. So every morning I make a pot of tea before work and whenever my husband wakes up he just grabs a cup of tea and throws something into the toaster oven to eat.

So there ya go, meals for a week

Take care 'till next time